Sergio Garcia

Associate in Business

Sergio Garcia grew up in the Yakima Valley and is the first in his family to attend college. His father worked in agriculture and Garcia was expected to follow in his footsteps. He had not given much thought to pursuing a degree. Once in high school, Garcia’s plan changed when he learned of the opportunity available to students through YVC’s Running Start Program. Garcia enrolled in the fall of 2013. “I would definitely recommend YVC’s Running Start Program to other high school students,” stated Garcia. “Not only does the program help save time and money, it also helps you mature a lot as a person. It has allowed me to see the world in a new perspective,” he continued.

In addition to his studies and working part-time at a local restaurant, Sergio juggles the responsibilities of working as the Lead Student Ambassador for the Associated Students of Yakima Valley Community College (ASYVC). “Working with ASYVC has allowed me to learn more about the college’s programs and student clubs. It has made me realize the unique opportunities YVC offers its students both inside and outside the classroom,” he continued. Garcia’s success has also inspired his little brother to begin thinking about his future. At 11 years old, he is working harder in school and is more focused on his studies.

Garcia will graduate with an associate in business degree. Upon completing his coursework at YVC he plans to transfer to a university to continue his education and earn a degree in finance.