Brittney Scherer

Bachelor of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene

After she graduates this summer from YVC with her associate degree, Grandview Student Council Vice President Brittney Scherer hopes to continue to her education in the Dental Hygiene program. As part of her role with student government Scherer has been involved in setting up food pantries for students.

“I work closely with the clubs so I’m the club liaison and we recently have a new food pantry, so I help out a lot of students here,” stated Scherer.

“I wanted to be involved in student government because I wanted to work on my leadership abilities and then also with public speaking because that was one thing that really kept me from coming back to school was speaking in front of others. I like to think that I kind of faced that fear.”

“My advice to other students is to get involved with your school because if there’s things that you want to see changed you should voice your opinion.  Because from my experience I have found that change comes from the voices of the students.”