Get involved with ASYVC!

Hello to all in the Student Body! If you ever wanted to get more involved in YVC, this is your chance! The Associated Students of Yakima Valley College (ASYVC) Executive Board (EB) is hiring for next year and we are looking for students such as yourselves to fill these positions!

It is important that students such as yourselves fill both the Grandview Student Council (GSC) and Yakima Student Council (YSC) so that you can have your voice heard. Is an issue that you feel needs to be addressed within YVC? This can be your opportunity to have the chance to make a meaningful change for the betterment of YVC and future students.

Being a part of student government also gives you th e opportunity to see more of the behind-the-scenes work that happens at the college and lets you see why certain things happen at certain times and leaves you with more of an appreciation for all the staff, faculty, and administration that help run this school. Meanwhile, you are also playing a small role in all those behind-the-scenes meetings as well and gaining valuable knowledge that you can use in the future.

Being a part of EB also leads to opportunities for future employment. EB and some of the ASYVC related activities, such as the S&A Budget Committee, can make a resume look great. The knowledge gained with student government can also help in future employment. Knowledge such as working with the administration, working in a team, keeping in mind the demographic you are serving (in this case students), and much more! Some of you may even make valuable connections that you can put down as a reference during a job application as well.

Got Questions?

ASYVC will be hosting an information session for any of those who may have questions on April 6th from 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. on Zoom.

Visit our ASYVC page for more information on how to apply and for the  Zoom link to the discussion about what is ASYVC?