Foundation Donations

To encourage charitable giving the U.S. tax laws have historically provided generous incentives. They have remained intact through the enactment of the 1986 Tax Reform Act. The incentives include immediate income tax deductions for gifts made during your lifetime and deductions for estate tax purposes for gifts made according to your will. Because of these incentives, you may be able to give far more generously than you ever thought possible.
The YVC Foundation has a tax exempt status under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

The YVC Foundation and YVC thrive through donations.

The YVC Foundation offers you several ways to assist in the future education of others:

  • Direct gifts of cash, which provide immediate increases in the base and interest earnings, are available for student scholarships.
  • Memorials or tribute gifts that honor friends, relatives or members of the college community, which allows those names to touch the lives of the YVC students.
  • Insurance policies, stocks and bonds, and bequests in wills, all of which ultimately benefit the college.
  • Leave a legacy by remembering the Foundation in your will.

Donation concepts are limited only by your own creative innovation.

Contact the YVC Foundation at 509.574.4645 to see if your gift idea could be useful to the foundation/college.

Mailing Donations

If you would like to make a contribution, please mail a check to:

YVC Foundation
P.O. Box 22520
Yakima, WA 98907