
YVC Red is the college’s primary color. This color is the most recognizable color to the community and should be used in all designs.


PMS: 1807C
CMYK: 24,92,78,15
RGB: 169,52,57
Hex: #A93439

YVC Gold
YVC Gold is another of the college’s primary colors. This color is usually used in conjunction with the red and signifies YVC Yak pride.


PMS: 1235C
CMYK: 0,32,95,0
RGB: 255,184,28
Hex: #FFB819

Color variations and values

Both YVC red and gold have a highlight and shadow accent color associated with them. These colors can be used in conjunction with the main colors but are not considered primary colors and cannot replace the primary colors.


PMS: 186C
CMYK: 12,100,92,3
RGB: 200,16,46
Hex: #C8102E


PMS: 1807C
CMYK: 24,92,78,15
RGB: 169,52,57
Hex: #A93439


PMS: 7421C
CMYK: 12,100,92,3
RGB: 200,16,46
Hex: #651C32


PMS: 136C
CMYK: 0,28,86,0
RGB: 255,191,59
Hex: #FFBF3B


PMS: 1235C
CMYK: 0,32,95,0
RGB: 255,184,28
Hex: #FFB819


PMS: 7551C
CMYK: 27,49,100,7
RGB: 182,127,0
Hex: #B47E00

Secondary colors

PMS: 360C
CMYK: 61,0,96,0
RGB: 108,192,74
Hex: #6CC04A
PMS: 297C
CMYK: 52,5,3,0
RGB: 110,196,233
Hex: #6EC4E9
PMS: 307C
CMYK: 100,50,19,2
RGB: 0,105,166
Hex: #0069A6
PMS: 7678C
CMYK: 70,84,11,1
RGB: 107,71,142
Hex: #6B478E

Secondary color variations and values

PMS: 374C
CMYK: 26,0,73,0
RGB: 196,232,107
Hex: #C4E86B

PMS: 360C
CMYK: 61,0,96,0
RGB: 108,192,74
Hex: #6CC04A

PMS: 364C
CMYK: 73,33,100,19
RGB: 74,118,40
Hex: #4A7628

PMS: 299C
CMYK: 80,18,0,0
RGB: 0,161,223
Hex: #00A1DF

PMS: 307C
CMYK: 100,50,19,2
RGB: 0,105,166
Hex: #0069A6

PMS: 302C
CMYK: 100,74,40,32
RGB: 0,58,93
Hex: #003A5D

PMS: 528C
CMYK: 30,55,0,0
Hex: #BB80D1

PMS: 7678C
CMYK: 70,84,11,1
RGB: 107,71,142
Hex: #6B478E

PMS: 2695C
CMYK: 87,96,40,44
RGB: 47,26,69
Hex: #2F1A45

PMS: 3588 C
CMYK: 0,45,97,0
RGB: 255,148,37
Hex: #FF9425

PMS: 1585 C
CMYK: 0,66,99,0
RGB: 255,106,20
Hex: #FF6A14

PMS: 167C
CMYK: 0,73,100,15
RGB: 190,83,28
Hex: #BE531C

Using Color in Design

Colors need to be balanced proportionally within a project in order to keep our publications consistently recognized as coming from YVC and to support creative freedom. Publications designed for external audiences should incorporate each of these color elements.

Clean Space: Enough clean space should be set aside in every publication in order to keep the design from appearing cluttered or overly busy. Clean space is any section of the publication where no significant information or design is located. This can consist of pure white space, photographs, solid color, patterns or illustrations. When using a photograph or illustration as clean space, make sure to select elements which do not appear overly busy.

YVC Red: In order to support an immediate connection with the college, YVC Red must be present and prominent in the design. Under special circumstances, such as banners and tablecloths, there may be less red. Contact Community Relations for approval.

Black/Text: In general, approximately 20% of a designed piece should be black or text blocks. This value can be higher for documents that are more text based than design.

Secondary Colors: A small amount of the design should consist of YVC’s secondary or tertiary color palette. The use of secondary colors can help bring emphasis to important information within or near it.

*For suggestions about the proportion of each element to use in a specific project, please contact Community Relations.