YVC Logos

YVC Signature Logos

The graphic components of the college’s signature logo are the YV logo, wordmark and color palette. Together, the YV logo and college wordmark comprise the college’s signature logo. The signature logo has two variations:

  • Horizontal – Uses three-line stacked college wordmark alongside the YV logo
  • Vertical – Uses the YV logo above the three-line stacked college wordmark

The signature logo must appear in YVC red, black or white only. It cannot be altered or recreated in any way. Do not fill the logo with graphics or photos, or cover it with text or graphics.

The signature logo is required to be used on all YVC print and digital publications disseminated to external audiences. This includes, but is not limited to, promotional materials, PowerPoints, tri-folds, fact sheets, posters, advertisements, videos and the website. Internal communications such as syllabi and class handouts do not need to include the signature logo.

Yakima Valley College logo

Red RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

Black RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

White RGB png

Red RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

Black RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

White RGB png

The YV Logo

Use of the YV logo by itself, rather than as part of the signature logo, is limited to certain applications as outlined here. It can be used in subsequent references after the signature logo initially appears in multi-page publications and PowerPoints. It can also be used independently in social media graphics and in some merchandise orders when approved by the Community Relations office. The YV logo must appear in YVC red, black or white only.

Yakima Valley College logo

Red RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

Black RGB png

Yakima Valley College logo

White RGB png

The Wordmark

The wordmark is a custom letterform of the name “Yakima Valley College.” The letterform appears in all caps and YVC’s branded font. It cannot be replicated through typesetting. Use of the wordmark by itself, rather than as part of the signature logo, is limited to certain applications as outlined here. It can be used in subsequent references after the signature logo initially appears in multi-page publications and PowerPoints. It can also be used independently in social media graphics and in some merchandise orders when approved by the Community Relations office. The wordmark must appear in YVC red, black or white only.

Red RGB png

Black RGB png

White RGB png


The logo, either black or white, can be used on any background color as long as there is sufficient contrast to keep the logo legible.

Clear Space

Clear space in the dimension of the height of the capital letters should be maintained in all directions so that other graphic elements do not intrude on or conflict with the logo.

Minimum Logo Size

The horizontal YVC signature logo should never be reproduced smaller than 1.5” wide. The vertical YVC signature logo should never be reproduced smaller than .75” wide.

College Seal


The YVC college seal cannot be altered or recreated in any way. The YVC college seal is reserved for use by the Office of the President and for formal documents such as diplomas, official certificates, and publications relating to commencement. It is not to be used for general purpose communications and promotional materials.


Red RGB png

Black RGB png

White RGB png

Minimum Logo Size

The college seal should never be reproduced smaller than 1 inch wide.