Drama program seeks directors for student plays

Yakima Valley College’s Playmasters is seeking directors for its Spring 2022 Festival of New Works – original short plays written by YVC students this academic year. Each play features four characters or less. Students and community members are encouraged to apply. No previous directing experience is required. Performances will be held May 5, 6 and 7 in YVC’s Kendall Hall Auditorium.

Interested? Please email a brief statement of interest, along with a paragraph describing your current directing experience, if any, and a phone number at which you can receive text messages to:

Alicia Bickley at abickley@yvcc.edu or Ray Pritchard at rpritchard@yvcc.edu. Deadline to respond is April 4.

Press Release Contacts:
Dustin Wunderlich / 509.574.6870 / dwunderlich@yvcc.edu
Stefanie Menard / 509.574.4646 / smenard@yvcc.edu