Blanca Contreras

Associate of Applied Science in Legal Office Assistant

Student Blanca Contreras knew she wanted more for her future than working as a farmworker. She enrolled in YVC’s business pathway and is working toward completing the legal office program.

“I had been working in the orchards fields like picking apples for so long and I just thought it was time for me to have like a better future, a better career, better job,” stated Contreras. “I’m in the legal office program. I chose that program because I  love the law,” she continued.

Passionate about the law, Contreras has enjoyed taking courses in keyboard, legal office medical terminology and professionalism.

“The pathways are really  important in my opinion because they give you, like, a lot of room like space for choosing  what you want to do and they like train you for like what’s next if you want to like go  straight to your career or if you want to transfer to another school, like it gives you a lot of options.”

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