YVC’s 2018-19 Biology Lecture Series Continues with Ben Goldfarb

Yakima, WA- Yakima Valley College, in collaboration with the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, presents the Winter Biology Lecture Series. Admission is free and open to the community.

Beavers: Their Landscapes, Our Future

Presenter: Ben Goldfarb, Independent Environmental Journalist, Author

March 12, 2019 • 7:00pm • YVC’s Deccio Higher Education Center, Building 8, Parker Room

Author Ben Goldfarb reveals that our modern idea of what a healthy landscape looks like and how it functions is wrong, distorted by the fur trade that once trapped out millions of beavers from North America’s lakes and rivers. The consequences of losing beavers were profound: streams eroded, wetlands dried up, and salmon lost vital habitat. Goldfarb’s talk will cover the extraordinary ecology of this influential species; describe how beavers transform landscapes; and detail how these remarkable rodents can help us fight drought, wildfire, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

Ben Goldfarb is an independent environmental journalist, editor, and fiction writer. He is the author of Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter (Chelsea Green Publishing), which the Washington Post called “a masterpiece of a treatise on the natural world.”

For more information: 509.574.4869.

Press Release Contacts:
Jay Frank / 509.574.6870 / jfrank@yvcc.edu
Stefanie Menard / 509.574.4646 / smenard@yvcc.edu