2016 Fall Student Survey Report

Background: YVC has been conducting an Annual Fall Student Survey for 10 years.  The purpose of this survey is to gauge student perceptions of YVC overall and of specific efforts in which YVC is engaged, such as implementing a Pathway Advising program.

How was the survey was made available to students?

A link was sent to 3,013 YVC students enrolled in college courses on November 7, 2016 (not ESL/ABE/GED students).  A reminder was sent to students who had not completed the survey on November 16, 2016.  The survey was closed on November 18, 2016.

Who took it?

623 students (21%) completed the survey. This is a sufficient sample size for a survey of this type.  The gender, ethnicity, and age of the respondents was very similar to that of the overall student population. 25% reported learning to speak English after they were four years of age or older; 21% reported speaking Spanish predominately at home.  79% took most of their classes in Yakima; 18% in Grandview, and 3% other/no comment.

What technology do students have available to them off campus and how do they get their books for class?

  • 92% have a computer, laptop, or tablet available at home: 74% have Microsoft Office; 41% have other software.
  • 78% have the Internet at home, 50% have a printer.
  • 68% have a phone with a data package.
  • 76% purchase their texts from the YVC bookstore, while 46% report purchasing through other providers.
  • 29% reported that they acquired texts by exchanging with other students.

What did students say about the climate at YVC?

  • 96% reported being given opportunities to engage in learning activities with classmates.
  • 95% feel that classroom curriculum is inclusive of other cultures and that other students contribute to a welcoming environment in the classroom.
  • 93% said they are encouraged to have contact with their instructors outside the classroom.
  • 80% state that both YVC personnel and other student reach out to them to share resources.
  • 79% reported receiving encouragement from YVC personnel to continue in college.
  • 61% receive invitations to student-led events and 53% had received invitations to participate in clubs at least once in a while.
  • While many students provided kudos to YVC, several expressed the need for better communication at YVC, including information about important dates and campus events, with students preferring communication to come from their instructors or advisors in person or via email.

What did students report as barriers to attendance?

  • 56% reported family responsibilities as a barrier.
  • 55% said finances were a barrier.
  • 52% reported work commitments as challenging.
  • 12% reported a lack of childcare at needed times.
  • Additional comments on barriers included the lack of available parking and the hours of operation for student and academic support services.

What did students say about advising?

  • 92% agree that YVC encourages students to meet with advisors.
  • 91% reported that they see a connection between the classes they are taking and their future goals.
  • 88% think that the online schedule is easy to use.
  • 78% were satisfied with the advising process at YVC.
  • 76% know who their assigned advisor is, but only 27% know the process for changing advisors.
  • 70% reported having discussed their educational/academic goals with their advisor.
  • Additional comments on advising focused on the need for better or more correct information and better processes for communication about advising and with advisors.

What did students say about their experiences taking classes at YVC?

Course delivery methods

  • 92% thought face to face classes were good/excellent.
  • 72% thought hybrid classes were good/excellent.
  • 64% felt that fully online classes and linked classes were good/excellent.
  • 51% thought ITV classes were good/excellent.


  • 59% felt that their placement into math courses was appropriate for their skill level, with 38% reporting that they felt their math placement was too low.
  • 82% of students felt their English placement was correct, with 16% thinking it was too low.


  • More than 90% felt that instructors treat them with respect, create welcoming environments and know them by name.
  • 85% reported that instructors respond to their questions within 24 hours.
  • 75% reported that their instructors use all of the texts and materials the students are required to purchase for the classes.

Comments on classes focused on increasing availability of courses in Grandview, more options for taking courses at different times of the day, more access to commonly required courses, and more hybrid and online options.

Comments related to instruction and/or instructors ranged from having more instructors to choose from, the need for instructors to have more understanding of students’ circumstances, and concerns about grading and/or testing policies.