From the Archives

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The Parker Youth and Sports Foundation have displayed the 1897 wedding picture of A.E. and Rose Larson in the Larson

YVC’s Jazz Band, along with former Music Instructor Isi Rudnick and former Washington State Governor Gary Locke, during the Deccio

Members of Yakima Valley Junior College Board are presented with the deed to the proposed college campus on Sixteenth and

Members of YVC’s Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) club participate in an MLK Peach March in 2000 honoring the

Cast members celebrate the revery during 2013’s “Madrigal Feaste”.

Yakima Junior College (YJC), was originally located in the old Columbia Elementary School, located on North 4th Avenue.

A recent, Yakima Herald Republic story showcased the history of Yakima Valley College’s track programs.

Pictured here during their second year (circa 1956), the college’s Veterans Club has a long history of supporting veterans pursue