
Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services (DSS) arranges accommodations, makes available a barrier-free campus, and educates the campus community about disability.​

DSS is committed to providing appropriate accommodations to individual students, access to adaptive technology, and barrier-free facilities. We offer eligible students and staff equal access to all YVC sponsored programs and academic resources.

Available accommodations include (but are not limited to): 

  • Alternative Exams Format/Time
  • Taped texts/Lectures
  • ASL Interpreters
  • Note Takers
  • Registration Assistance

We work with instructors, departments, and the student to ensure accommodation needs are met. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding Disability Support Services. We are glad to assist you!

Please fill out fields, sign, and submit the following forms (when applicable). 

Accomodations & Requests

How to submit your request:

  1. Copy and paste your schedule for the upcoming quarter into an email to dss@yvcc.edu  for Yakima office and gvdss@@yvcc.edu for Grandview office
  2. This should be done 3 weeks prior to the quarter to ensure timely accommodations.​

Send a Test Request Email

Your test request must be in one email with your instructor’s email address in the To: (example myinstructor@yvcc.edu) and Cc: dss@yvcc.edu for Yakima office and gvdss@yvcc.edu for Grandview office. Your email should be formatted in the following way:

To: myinstructor@yvcc.edu (insert your instructor’s email address)
Cc: dss@yvcc.edu or gvdss@yvcc.edu
Email Subject: Test Request

In the body of the email please include the following information: ​

Date of test: 10/09/2024
Time you are requesting to take the test: 9:00 am
Instructor name: Tom Smith (Insert instructor’s name)
Course name: English 102 (Insert course name)

Confirmation Email

You will receive a confirmation email from dss@yvcc.edu or gvdss@yvcc.edu. Your appointment is not scheduled until you receive a confirmation email.

Important Reminders

Exam start times must fall between: 8 – 10 a.m. or 12:45 – 3 p.m.

Testing FAQ’s

  • Must I schedule my testing appointment at the same time as my class? Yes, it best to schedule to take you test/exam at the same time as class if possible. You might want to ask your instructor if it’s possible to take it at a different time.
  • How late can I schedule my appointment? You must schedule 24 hours in advance. Your test request must be emailed before 2 p.m.

Printed instructions for scheduling an appointment are available.

General Policies

Arrive early to event so you can introduce yourself to the interpreter. If any of your accommodations are not adequate, please discuss with Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator to address concerns.

Notify Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator 24 hours before a cancellation.

If the total time needed will exceed three hours, the request will need to be submitted 72 hours before the service is needed.  Requests submitted that do not meet the deadline cannot be guaranteed.

Cancellation Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator 24 hours before a class absence. The student is allowed a total of two no shows/no contact absences per quarter.  On the 3rd no show/no contact absence the student will be required to review the no show/no contact policy with the Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator. The Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator will notify student via email of each documented occurrence.

You can contact the Sign Language Interpreter Coordinator by phone or email:
Jennifer Hopper
MS LMFTASL and DSS Coordinator
VP 509.530.2019

*NOTE: If an interpreter is not available, other appropriate alternatives will be considered (i.e. CART, VRI, etc.)
**Weekends do not count in the 24 hour notification policy – 24 hours M-F)

Guidelines and Procedures

Yakima Valley College does not assess students for disabilities. If you think you might have a disability, but don’t have documentation, we recommended that you go online to look for a qualified professional in your area who can assess individuals for disabilities. The most common documentation for a specific learning disability is an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or 504 Plan from high school. If you had either, contact the school district you attended and ask for a copy of it. The IEP/504 Plan needs to include the assessment used for determining your disability (usually called the Evaluation Report) to qualify as appropriate documentation.

Disability Category Profession Providers to be Consulted
Mobility Rehabilitation therapist
Psych/Emotional Disability Psychologist, Psychiatrist
Visual Impairment/Blindness Ophthalmologist
Deafness/Hard of Hearing Audiologist, Certified Otologist
Specific Learning Disability Psychologist, Neuropsychiatrist, School Psychologist,
IEP (must have the Evaluation Report in IEP) or 504 Plan
Speech/Language Speech & Language Therapist/Pathologist
Chronic/Acute Health Family Physician, Physician Specialist
Neurological/Nervous System Neurologist or Neuropsychiatrist

Your documentation must contain the following information

  • Diagnosis of disability must be clear and specific.
  • Specific Learning Disabilities Assessment
  • Specific recommendations must be based on interpreted tests. These recommendations might be found in your IEP Evaluation Report in your IEP or 504 Plan.
  • Testing must have been conducted within the last 3 years.

Yakima Campus: YVC Disability Support Services P.O. Box 22520 Yakima, WA 98907 or email to  dss@yvcc.edu.

Grandview Campus: YVC Disability Support Services 500 W. Main, Grandview WA 98930 or email to gvdss@yvcc.edu.

View Printed Copy of Guidelines

Yakima Valley College Disability Support Services Procedures

I. Compliance Statement

No student shall, on the basis of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any college program or activity. YVC is committed to providing qualified students with a disability, an equal opportunity to access the benefits, rights, and privileges of college services, programs and activities, in the most integrated setting appropriate to the student’s needs, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

YVC is committed to providing reasonable accommodation, including core services, to qualified students with disabilities. The purpose of this document is to outline the rights and responsibilities of students, YVC, and Disability Support Services (DSS) under the ADA and to establish clear guidelines for seeking and receiving reasonable accommodations. These guidelines establish the scope of and the requirements for requesting those accommodations.

II. Scope

YVC provides reasonable accommodations for students with a disability who provide​ documentation of their disability. Neither YVC nor any of its employees are authorized to diagnose disabilities. Only qualified staff of the Disability Support Services office are authorized to determine and assign reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.

Reasonable accommodations under these guidelines include, but are not limited to; (a) academic adjustments, such as teaching methods and flexibility in test-taking arrangements; (b) adjustments in nonacademic services and other rules; and (c) auxiliary aids and services.

To receive reasonable accommodations in an appropriate and timely manner, students are responsible for requesting accommodations and submitting acceptable documentation as to the nature and extent of their disability (see procedure – section V)

YVC will make those modifications to its academic requirements that (1) are necessary to ensure that those requirements do not discriminate, or have the effect of discriminating, against a qualified student with a disability based on the disability and (2) do not impose an undue hardship on the college or require alteration of essential program requirements.

III. Definitions

Student with a disability – a student who; (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of his/her major life activities or; (2) has a record of such an impairment or; (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. (42 U.S.C. § 12102(2)

Qualified student with a disability – a student with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodation, meets the academic and technical standards required for admission to, participating in, and/or fulfilling the essential requirements of college programs or activities.

Documentation of disability – a report that establishes the student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities. Common types of documentation include medical records, psychological assessments, and high school IEP’s or 504 reports. The report must include an assessment conducted by a qualified professional that includes a clear diagnosis of the disability. Documentation shall be current (within the last 5 years) and include quantitative scores.

Program accessibility – all programs and services, when viewed in their entirety, are accessible to persons with a disability.

Core Services – those services listed in RCW 28B.10.912, which are necessary to ensure students with disabilities are reasonably accommodated at YVC.

Course Substitution – the replacement of a specific course required for a degree program with another course that measures the same learning objectives/skills as the required course.

Reasonable accommodations- modifications of those programs, policies, practices, and procedures that enable qualified students with a disability to have an equal opportunity to benefit from and have access to college programs and services by providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services.

Undue Hardship  any excessively costly, extensive, substantial or disruptive modification, or a modification that would substantially alter the nature of operation of the institution or any of its programs or services or threaten the health or safety of the YVC community.

Service animal – any dog trained to do work or perform tasks that provide benefit directly related to the disability of an individual, including physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disabilities. An animal´s presence for emotional support, well-being, companionship or crime deterrence does not constitute the work or tasks of a service animal.

Therapy Animal – an animal with good temperament and disposition with reliable, predictable behavior. A therapy animal does not assist an individual with a disability in the activities of daily living. A therapy animal does not accompany a person with a disability all the time, whereas a service animal is always with its partner. The animal may be incorporated as an integral part of a treatment process. A therapy animal is not covered by the laws protecting and giving rights to service animals.

IV. Responsibilities of the college 

Comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.

  • Make available to all students’ information about the services available to students with disabilities, including the name and location of the Coordinator (IV) of DSS, and the process for accessing those services.
  • Work with the student, faculty, and staff, on a case-by-case basis, to select and provide those accommodations/core services appropriate for each qualified student with a disability.
  • Follow procedures that protect the confidentiality of information regarding the nature and extent of the documented disability.
  • Maintain the academic integrity of its programs.
  • Prohibit pre-admission inquiry as to whether the applicant has a disability, except as provided by law.
  • Arrange accommodations in a timely fashion for students who submit documentation and request accommodations at least three weeks prior to the start of the quarter.
  • Have a campus/ building emergency plan that provides for the needs of students with disabilities.

YVC is not responsible for providing equipment and services that the student needs outside of college for daily living.

V. Rights and Responsibilities of Students

The college is obligated to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities. A student who seeks such accommodation is responsible for providing documentation as to the nature and extent of the disability. The college will work in collaboration with the student to identify potential accommodation, though the college reserves the right to make the final determination which accommodations are reasonable and appropriate.

Procedure for Requesting Accommodation:

  • Student must contact the Disability Support Services office to register for services: Yakima- Building 8- Rm 140, 509.574.4961; Grandview- Building 56- Rm 121, 509.882.7041
  • Student registers with Disability Support Services by submitting a completed DSS application, a signed student agreement, and documentation of disability.
  • Student meets with a DSS counselor to assist the counselor in determining reasonable accommodations (appointment is scheduled through the DSS office upon receiving completed application).
  • The ASL & Disability Support Coordinator reviews the accommodations for approval.
  • The DSS Program Assistant prepares and sends letters of accommodation to the student and the student’s instructors electronically.
  • Instructors coordinate with the DSS office to provide accommodations as indicated in the letter of accommodation.

To ensure that needed accommodations are provided in a timely manner, students shall:

  • Provide notice and documentation of the nature and extent of their disability and the accommodations requested to the Disability Support Services office. Some accommodations require significant time to arrange. Requests for accommodations must be received by the college three weeks prior to the beginning of the quarter for which the request is made. Lack of advance notice may delay the availability of an accommodation.
  • Provide additional documentation on the nature and extent of their disability as the college may require to determine reasonable accommodations.
  • Work with DSS to develop an appropriate service plan for the certificate or degree sought.
  • Discuss the letter of accommodation with each instructor to ensure both the student and instructor are clear on the accommodations and how they will be administered.
  • Promptly notify DSS of any difficulty in receiving the agreed upon accommodations.
VI. Disability Support Services Office
  • The Disability Support Services Office is responsible for the coordination of services to qualified students with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations.
  • DSS contacts all students with disabilities who self-identify during the college registration or orientation process.
  • Information regarding a disability is kept confidential unless the student signs a Release of Information form.
  • DSS assists each qualified student with a disability who requests accommodations under these guidelines in developing a service plan, identifying reasonable accommodations appropriate for the student, and ensuring that the agreed-upon accommodations are provided.
VII. Reasonable Accommodations

The process of selecting reasonable accommodations for each qualified student with a disability shall be made on a case-by-case basis, based on the nature and extent of the student’s disability.

A. Academic Modifications.

Academic modifications may include, but are not limited to:

  • Flexibility in timelines for completion of courses, certifications, and degree requirements;
  • Substitution of specific courses required for the completion of degrees;
  • Adaptation of the manner in which specific courses are conducted;
  • Flexibility in teaching methods and test-taking arrangements;
  • Flexibility in credits required to satisfy institutional eligibility for financial aid.

B. Auxiliary Aids and Services.

Auxiliary Aids and Services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Flexible procedures in the admissions process.
  • Qualified sign language, oral and tactile interpreters, or other technological alternatives;
  • Access to adaptive equipment including, but not limited to, Video Phone, FM communicators, closed-caption devices, closed circuit televisions, low-vision reading aids, e-text, 11″x17″ copying capability, text-to-speech software, and computer enhancements;
  • Textbooks and other educational materials in alternative media, including, but not limited to large print, Braille, and electronic format;
  • Provision of readers, note-takers, and/or proofreaders
  • Release of syllabi, study guides, and other appropriate instructor-produced materials in advance of general distribution and access beyond their regular classroom session to PowerPoint presentations, DVDs, and other media, and recording of lectures.

C. Access

Access includes:

  • Ongoing review and coordination of efforts to ensure campus accessibility, including barrier-free design, signage, identification of hazards of mobility barriers, maintenance of access during construction, snow and ice clearance, and adequate disability parking for all facilities;
  • Facilitating physical access to programs and services including relocation of classes, activities, and service to accessible facilities;
  • Referral to appropriate on-campus and off-campus resources, services and agencies;
  • Allowing individuals with disabilities to bring their trained service animals on campus for the purpose of providing a specific service. (YVC (VII) does not allow the use of therapy animals on the campus.)
VIII. Procedure for requesting a course substitution 

Every student enrolled in a degree program at the college must meet the essential requirements of that program to receive the appropriate degree or certificate. The law does not require the college to waive essential requirements of a student’s program of instruction. However, a course substitution may be considered if it does not impact the essential elements of the program or degree (as determined by the dean and department chair), and only after the qualified student with a disability has attempted the required course with appropriate accommodations and has followed the proper procedures for requesting a substitution.

 Requests for course substitution must be submitted in writing and include:

  • a description of the accommodations previously provided to the student for the course;
  • an explanation of the relationship between the student’s disability and its impact on his/her inability to complete the course;
  • the proposed substitute course, if known; and
  • a statement by the student that he/she has made a good faith effort to complete the required course with appropriate accommodations.
  • Substitution Accommodation Committee

All requests for course substitutions shall be submitted to the Substitution Accommodation Committee composed of: the chair of the department in which the course is offered; one faculty member from the department, the dean of the division or his/her designee, the ASL & Disability Support Coordinator, and the student’s academic advisor.

  • A request for a course substitution may be approved if the proposed substitution meets the learning objectives of the degree or certificate requirements.
  • The Committee shall respond in writing to all requests for course substitution within three weeks of receiving the request. The response shall include a brief summary of the basis for the decision.
IX. Reasonable Accommodation – Appeals 
  • In the event that the student believes, the YVC provided accommodation is not effective, the student has the right to contact any DSS staff in writing, and the DSS team will work with the student to find a mutually agreeable, appropriate accommodation in an interactive and timely manner.
  • If a student still believes that the institution has not identified or provided reasonable academic adjustments or auxiliary aids, the student has the right to appeal.
  • Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Student Services. The dean, in consultation with the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, will review the appeal and respond within fifteen (15) days.
  • The decision of the Dean of Student Services is the final decision of the Institution.

These procedures only provide rights or obligations as provided by applicable laws.



Related Links

Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
Washington State Department of Services for the Blind
Resources for College Students with Disabilities
Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy
Cerebral Palsy Outreach

The links included within the Yakima Valley College (YVC) web ages will take you out of the YVC site. Links are limited to those that meet our educational purpose. The linked sites are not under the control of YVC and YVC is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. YVC is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. YVC provides these links solely as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by YVC or any association with their operators.

Department Contacts

Name Job Title Email Phone Office Location
Jennifer Hopper, MS LMFT ASL and DSS Coordinator jhopper@yvcc.edu 509.530.2019 Building 8, Office 143
Yakima Campus
Guadalupe Huitron-Lilly Counselor ghuitron-lilly@yvcc.edu 509.574.4683 Building 8, Office 180
Yakima Campus
Malynda Dyer Program Assistant mdyer@yvcc.edu 509-574-4961 Building: 8, Office 114
Yakima Campus
Heidi Matlack Counselor hmatlack@yvcc.edu 509.882.7042 Building 56, Office 121-A
Grandview Campus
Adri Navarro Program Assistant adriananavarro@yvcc.edu 509.882.7041 Building 56, Office 121-C
Grandview Campus