Placement Testing
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Placement Testing
Placement Testing
The goal of placement is to assess skills to ensure students are able to successfully engage with course content and have the best chances at passing the course. Most courses at Yakima Valley College (YVC) have placement prerequisites for writing and math ability. Also, all degree-seeking students must have both a writing and math placement in order to make a New Student Orientation (NSO) appointment and register for classes.
Start your college career the right way at YVC and get into the classes that are best for you.

What placement option is best for you?
YVC determines English and math placements by evaluating a variety of sources. Your individual situation determines what placement option is best for you. You might even use a different option for your English than for your math placement. If you place into different courses based on different placement options, we will honor the highest of your course placements.
Students can also take YVC’s English and/or math assessments to determine placements and to help you and your advisor decide on the appropriate courses for your success.
Placement options
Options vary — select the one that best describes you.
Your individual situation determines what placement option is best for you. You might use different options for your English and math placements. Review all your options; YVC will honor the highest of your course placements.
Within the last two years
Submit your High School Transcript Placement Evaluation Request today to find out if your transcripts qualify.
HS GPA 3.2+
(English placement)
SAT or ACT Score
HS Pre-Calculus or Calculus
(Math placement)
YVC Placement Testing
Placement from Another College
Within the Last two years
Transfer of Test Scores
Placement Reciprocity
To use placement from another college, send assessment results and course placements
(must place into English 101 & Math 085)
HS GPA 3.2+
(English placement)
SAT or ACT Score
HS Pre-Calculus or Calculus
(Math placement)
YVC Placement Testing
Credit by Testing:
Prior Learning
If you have no previous college experience, visit our Placement Testing Information page.
Placement Option Details
- Smarter Balanced scores of Level 3 or 4 (or 2 with HS Bridge course grade of B or better) (Math must be within one year) Send scores to Testing Services (HS level test only)
- Cumulative HS GPA of 3.2 or better (English placement only) Send official HS transcript to Admissions
- SAT or ACT scores: Send official test score or score download to Testing Services.
- HS Math Pre-Calculus or Calculus -- certain high schools only, math placement only. Test scores are valid for placement for two years after the test date.
- Credit by testing/prior learning credit: AP, CLEP, IB, DSST
- YVC English and/or math assessments
- Placement Reciprocity
- Transfer of scores -- have other college send scores to YVC
Transcript evaluation -- send official college transcripts to Admissions by quarterly deadline.
- Minimum HS GPA of 2.0 or better
- Placement into English 101 and at least Math 085
- Cumulative HS GPA of 3.2 or better (English placement only)
- YVC English and math assessments Smarter Balanced scores of Level 3 or 4 (HS level test only)
- SAT or ACT scores
- Credit by testing/prior learning credit: AP, CLEP, IB, DSST
- Transcript evaluation -- send official college transcripts to Admissions by the quarterly deadline
- HS Math Pre-Calculus or Calculus -- certain high schools only, math placement only
Learn more about Running Start Application Process.
If you have earned your GED within the last two years and have College Ready scores in ELA, you can use those for placement into college-level English courses. To use your GED scores, email with your name, YVC student ID number, and approximate date you earned your GED.
Assessment Exemptions
You may be exempt from the English assessment if you:
- Are able to use a placement option other than YVC assessments
- Have an educational goal of “educational development/personal development/ interest."
Contact the Admissions office if you believe you do not need to have an English placement.
You may be exempt from the Math assessment if you:
- Are able to use a placement option other than YVC assessments
- Have an educational goal of “educational development/personal development/ interest.”
Contact the Admissions office if you believe you do not need a math placement.
Prior Learning Credit
YVC recognizes that our adult learners come to us with a variety of learning experiences that may not have come from a traditional classroom. We may be able to award college credit for what you have already learned which may accelerate your pace toward meeting your educational goals.
Learn how to Get Credit for What You Know
We offer credit by testing, course challenges, military credit, and extra-institutional learning.