BAS Dental Hygiene Bridge
Questions? Contact Us.
Pete Hernandez
BASDH Bridge Program Coordinator
Yakima Campus
Deccio (Building 8) Room 267
BAS Information Request
Bachelor of Applied Science BAS-DH Bridge Program
The following information is exclusively for graduates of the YVC Associate of Applied Science Dental Hygiene program.
Degree Information
Program Information
Students must have completed the following in order to graduate from the program. Any potential substitutions must be approved by the program. To review individual course descriptions go to the catalog.
Foundation and Core Courses
Distribution | Credits | Required Courses | Notes |
Communications | 5 | ENGL& 101 English Composition I | |
Communications | 5 | ENGL 102 English Composition II | Substitution must be a composition course or designated writing-intensive course. |
Quantitative | 5 | MATH& 146 Introduction to Stats | If a non-math based statistics is substituted, an additional 5 credit Quantitative course is required. |
Humanities | 5 | ENGL 203 Research Writing | If a non-Humanities Research course is substituted, an additional 5 credit Humanities course is required. |
Humanities | 5 |
CMST& 101 Intro to Communication or CMST& 220 Public Speaking or CMST& 210 Interpersonal Communication or CMST 280 Intercultural Communication |
Social Science | 5 | PSYC& 100 General Psychology | |
Social Science | 5 |
SOC& 101 Intro to Sociology or ANTH& 206 Cultural Anthropology |
Natural Science | 5 | CHEM& 121 Intro to Chemistry | |
Natural Science | 5 | CHEM& 131 Intro Organic/Biochem w/ Lab | |
Natural Science | 5 | BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I | |
Natural Science | 5 | BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II | |
Natural Science | 5 | BIOL& 260 Microbiology | |
Natural Science | 5 | NUTR& 101 Nutrition | |
Natural Science | 5 | CHEM& 131 Intro Organic/Biochem w/ Lab |
Program costs are dependent upon the student’s individual learning plan. A general fee framework is listed below:
- $30 YVC College Application (non-refundable)
- $300 Academic Credit for Prior Learning Crosswalk Credits (30 credits for completion of the Dental Hygiene National Board Examination)
- $10 YVC Graduation Application Fee
Course Tuition: Costs vary depending on the number of courses needed to complete the program. YVC has two tuition structures, lower-division 100 & 200 level courses, and upper-division 300 & 400 level.
How to Apply
- Review Eligibility Requirements & Application Deadlines
- $30 non-refundable application fee
- Submit official transcripts to YVC admissions for all colleges attended except YVC
- Complete and submit the BASDH Bridge Admissions Application.
- Attach the following in the application:
- Copy of Dental Hygiene License
- Official JCNDE verification of passing score on Dental Hygiene National Board Examination
- Apply to BASDH Bridge
- Attach the following in the application:
- STOP & WAIT – Allow time for your application to be reviewed and all outside transcripts to be evaluated by the Registrar’s office. Approximately 3-4 weeks after received.
- Once you receive an official acceptance and an education plan from the BASDH Bridge
program you must determine your commitment.
- If you are ready to attend and begin classes notify the Bridge program via email and the program will send the ACPL Crosswalk form for completion.
- Mail completed the ACPL Crosswalk form and a $300 crosswalk fee to the YVC cashier. Attach the BASDH Fee Payment Form.
- Register online through the student portal for any required classes according to your education plan.
- One quarter prior to expected graduation, complete graduation application with the program coordinator.
- Submit the graduation application with a $10.00 application fee to the cashier’s office.
- Graduate and receive your diploma. Diplomas take several weeks to process after the end of the quarter.
Application Deadlines
Applications must be received no later than the dates listed below for possible enrollment in the desired quarter.
- Summer Quarter: Last Friday in March
- Fall Quarter: First Friday in August
- Winter Quarter: Last Friday in November
- Spring Quarter: Last Friday in February