Author: Content Coordinator

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Ut vix agam solum perfecto, labitur expetendis dissentias id has, mei habeo illud dicam ex. Ea sea paulo oratio rationibus, justo labore feugait ea nam, vel an fuisset probatus. In oportere maiestatis vim, id his inani saperet delenit. Pri elit

Ut vix agam solum perfecto, labitur expetendis dissentias id has, mei habeo illud dicam ex. Ea sea paulo oratio rationibus, justo labore feugait ea nam, vel an fuisset probatus. In oportere maiestatis vim, id his inani saperet delenit. Pri elit

Ut vix agam solum perfecto, labitur expetendis dissentias id has, mei habeo illud dicam ex. Ea sea paulo oratio rationibus, justo labore feugait ea nam, vel an fuisset probatus. In oportere maiestatis vim, id his inani saperet delenit. Pri elit

Ut vix agam solum perfecto, labitur expetendis dissentias id has, mei habeo illud dicam ex. Ea sea paulo oratio rationibus, justo labore feugait ea nam, vel an fuisset probatus. In oportere maiestatis vim, id his inani saperet delenit. Pri elit

Jennifer Ernst, a long-time community college executive leader and faculty member, will join Yakima Valley College as Vice President for Instruction and Student Services effective July 1, 2021. Ernst brings extensive experience providing high-quality, student-centered learning experiences to diverse populations in

Linh Heintz was excited when she learned that she had family on the other side of the world. Heintz, who was born in a small town in the south of Vietnam, had lived her entire life not knowing who her

Good news from alumni about job changes, professional achievements, a marriage or new addition to their family, gatherings with other YVC alumni or other significant news.

Yakima Valley College’s annual report to the community provides highlights and updates of activities and initiatives over the past year, and summarizes the college's achievements during that time. The results of these efforts are illustrated in the accomplishments of our