Running Start Forms
Questions? Contact Us.
Running Start
Yakima Campus
Deccio Higher Ed. Center
Building 8
Running Start Forms

Enrollment Verification
Students are required to complete and submit an Enrollment Verification Form every
quarter. The form must include student, parent/guardian and high school counselor

Need-Based Fee Waiver
Need-based waivers are available for qualifying low-income Running Start students for all fees other than tuition or operating fees. A student shall be considered low income and eligible for a fee waiver upon proof that they qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at their high school or have spent one year in the Washington State Foster Care system since the age of 13 are also eligible for the fee waiver.
Additional Resources
Please read the process carefully:
Pursuant to RCW 28A.600.310 as amended by Chapter 450, Laws of 2009, ESHB 2119, effective fall quarter 2014, Running Start students attending Yakima Valley College must pay mandatory college and student-voted fees. The need-based fee waiver applies to credits covered by Running Start and does not cover private voice/music lessons, textbooks, or below college-level courses. Students are required to pay tuition and fees for courses not covered by Running Start.
Yakima Valley College shall make available fee waivers for need-based Running Start students as follows:
Student Responsibilities:
- All documentation must be received at the Yakima campus Running Start offices by the last business Friday before each quarter begins.
- Fee waiver eligibility is established for the duration of the student’s time as Running Start.
- A student must pay mandatory fees to the cashier if he/she is not eligible for a need-based waiver.
If you feel that you meet the eligibility requirements for the low-income waiver, please complete the application as soon as possible.
If you plan to continue your studies at YVC after you graduate high school, you must complete this form before you register for your next quarter.
Failure to do so will result in higher tuition rates. ONLY Running Start SENIORS should
complete this form.
Do not use this form as your initial application to become a Running Start student.
Questions? Email
Running Start Former Student Application