Kevin Sampson is a Deafblind student at YVC, he was born with usher syndrome. His vision was reliably good up to 21 years old. He depends on hand touching through hand-signing translations. Kevin receives support from his Tactile ASL interpreters who have been his advocate and is able to overcome his barriers to communication.

Kevin gained employment from the Work Study program at YVC Pottery Department. He quickly mastered learned to clean independently in the clay room. Kevin is currently in the process of working as a custodian in the YVC Work Study program.

“My favorite subject is math. I love figuring out and solving math problems all of it in my head. I am becoming knowledgeable with my math. My teachers and interpreters help me gain knowledge. I study and I learn. I am smart!” – Kevin Sampson

How Tactile ASL Interpreting works

Our Disability Services Office is a great resource for our students!